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For $20.00 I will customize them, your size, your color, your style, any attachments
$50.00 I can get Cheerleader Panties new
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For 20 bucks I'll customize them any size, color, style etc...
$30.00 I have them in baby blue, pretty pink, virgin white and sensual beige. Available unruffled also of course
Different styles, sizes and prices. Small-$35.00 Med-$45.00 Lg-$55.00 XLg-$65.00 XXLg-$75.00 XXXLg-$85.00. Includes: Head dressing, Apron, Gloves, Ruffle Bottom Panties and Uniform
SOLD Frederick's of Hollywood-I have different styles from Frederick's and other names in different sizes. Comes with Head Dressing, Apron, Gloves, Ruffle Bottom Panties and Uniform according to the size as to the price. Refer to the above information for the prices on different sizes.
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Hurricanes or Canes-4 piece, Jacket, Crop, Skirt, Panties-SOLD-Vintage Megaphone still available just make an offer. Vintage Cheerleader or Majorrette Boots are SOLD
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